Br Les conditions semblent runies pour que les approches plurielles soient diffuses plus largement encore lavenir parmi les chercheurs en didactique et les enseignants. During the workshop participants engaged in many handson practical activities which gave them the opportunity to discover pluralistic approaches as learners by using teaching materials from the FREPA database and to discuss which kind of knowledge attitudes and skills may be developed by using these teaching materials. Calitatea ofertei CELV a reinut atenia colegilor care doresc s se perfecioneze i s fie consiliai pe terenul profesiei lor. Evenimentul a fost vizualizat pe siturile Universitii din Iai al proiectului european MIRIADI Mutualizare i Inovaie pentru o Reea a Intercomprehensiunii la Distan al Inspectoratului colar al Judeului Iai al ARPF iar principalele intervenii au fost difuzate la distan via internet
However at the same time the learning of French as foreign language the object of their education is kept in focus but it is an open French shaped by its history its contacts with other language but which is ultimately a close relative of the Romanian language. Le temps mis disposition hmn pour deux projets et leur convergence tait trop bref pour que de vritables activits datelier aient pu tre mises en place. Le sjour prvu de M. nbsp br ECML Training and Consultancy for Member States Plurilingual and intercultural competences descriptors and teaching materials FREPA br and Supporting local networks of users of the European Language Portfolio through an EPlatform eELP workshopVenue CIEP Svres Francebr view details br Michel Candelier France Jrgen Friedrich Germany br Working languages French and Englishbr Participants teachers teacher trainers researchers and education officersbr Website http br br Information from the ECML experts available in French Cette prsentation conjointe du CARAP par Michel Candelier et de EPOS par Jrgen Friedrich a t effectue dans le cadre du Sminaire annuel sur le Centre europen pour les langues vivantes Politiques europennes des langues et priorits nationales organis au CIEP de Svres par la Dlgation gnrale la langue franaise et aux langues de FranceDGLFLF la Direction des relations europennes et internationales et de la cooprationDREIC Ministres de lducation nationale et de lEnseignement suprieur et de la Recherche et le Centre international dtudes pdagogiques en partenariat avec la Direction de la coopration culturelle universitaire et de la recherche Ministre des Affaires trangres. Le second atelier conduit en parallle tait consacr deux projets en particulier et sadressait des personnes connaissant dj les activits du CELV
Br LUniversit daccueil dsire poursuivre le travail avec les enseignants dont une grande partie a souhait pouvoir tre soutenue pour lintroduction des approches plurielles et des instruments du CARAP dans sa pratique. Ils ont enfin labor des matriaux concrets sous forme de portfolios sur la base des descripteurs du CARAP et en appui sur les exemples emprunts PluriMobil. We are committed to offering hospitality in unique places. Les prsentations et ateliers ont prsent les dmarches et rsultats de trois projets convergents dabord bien sr les approches plurielles et le CARAP puis les activits du rseau DELANOBA httpinstituttercuidforskningforskningsprojekterdelanoba qui vise la diffusion de lveil aux langues dans les Pays dEurope du Nord et de la Baltique prsentation en particulier de matriaux didactiques et enfin les instruments labors par des responsables des services ducatifs de la ville de Oulu qui constituent une adaptation du CARAP pour les enseignants finlandais httpsaboutdevelopment br cette initiative est prise en compte dans llaboration des nouveaux programmes en Finlande. Lobjectif tait dinciter certains enseignants mettre en place des expriences pilotes qui pourront tre prsentes lors de lvnement de. Le travail a t effectu en trois groupes dans les domaines suivants br Groupe de travail Rvision de la conception des sminaires de civilisation Landeskundeseminare de lInstitut Goethe. Le travail se poursuit la rentre en lien avec les deux animateurs et avec le soutien de la direction de ltablissement. Elle a permis galement une dfinition plus prcise dune dmarche globale destine tirer profit des descripteurs du CARAP rfrentiel de comptences des apprenants pour llaboration de descripteurs concernant les dimensions plurilingues pluriculturelles et relatives la comptence dapprentissage dun rfrentiel de comptences des enseignants. There was a strong focus on the Slovenian context and its specificities as participants in group work and plenary discussions reflected on the way these approaches and tools can contribute to achieving the objectives of the current curriculum and to further developing plurilingual and intercultural education in Slovenia. br Gunter Narr Verlag br Plurilingual and intercultural competences descriptors and teaching materials FREPA br Training workshop br Venue Andorra la Vella Principality of Andorra br Project site br view details br Experts Ildik Lrincz Hungary JeanFranois de Pietro Switzerlandbr Local organiser Elisabeth Carpa Head of the Department of Human Ressources and Teacher Training Andorran School and Teacher Training Directorate Ministry of Educationbr Participants Language teachers Catalan French Spanish English at primary and secondary levelbr Working languages French and Englishbr br ECML Training and Consultancy for Member States Plurilingual and intercultural competences descriptors and teaching materials FREPA br In cooperation with the ECML project Mobility programmes for sustainable plurilingual and intercultural learning PluriMobil br Venue HrthCologne Germanybr view details br Experts Michel Candelier France and Anna SchrderSura Germany FREPA Kristin Brogan Ireland PluriMobilbr Local organiser Guido Bsader AlbertSchweitzerGymnasium HrthCologne Germanybr Working language Germanbr Participants language teachers and teacher trainers multipliersbr Websites http http br br Information from the ECML experts available in French br Planification mise en uvre et exploitation dchanges scolaires laide de PluriMobil et du CARAP br Latelier a bnfici dune coopration entre deux projets du CELV PluriMobil et CARAP. Participants shared materials which although having been developed locally were not always known to all. Ils ont ensuite ralis une slection de descripteurs du CARAP pouvant sappliquer directement lapprentissage interculturel dans le cadre dactivits de mobilit ducative
Il sagissait dune initiative prise par les partenaires nerlandais et tout particulirement Rick de Graaff Hogeschool Inholland Amsterdam dans le but de prparer lvnement Formation et Conseil prvu en. Since the German school system introduces English as a foreign language in primary school the pupils choosing Rencontres pharmacologiques de giens the bilingual branch start with Spanish in grade and continue respectively English. Calitatea ofertei CELV a reinut atenia colegilor care doresc s se perfecioneze i s fie consiliai pe terenul profesiei lor. Chaque HEP avait envoy une dlgation de personnes lesquelles sont dsormais charges de la formation interne de leurs collgues permettant ainsi une mise en rseau de la diffusion des approches plurielles sur un fondement officiel curiculaire dj bien avanc en Suisse romande et almanique et en voie de ralisation au Tessin. br This means they have less English lessons compared to pupils from nonSpanish classes. There was a strong focus on the Slovenian context and its specificities as participants in group work and plenary discussions reflected on the way these approaches and tools can contribute to achieving the objectives of the current curriculum and to further developing plurilingual and intercultural education in Slovenia. Ils ont enfin labor des matriaux concrets sous forme de portfolios sur la base des descripteurs du CARAP et en appui sur les exemples emprunts PluriMobil. br Through this contact with pluralistic approaches and the framework of rencontre plus de 50 ans gratuit reference of competences and resources participants were able to enrich their didactic tools box and their teaching practice so as to constantly improve their teaching in a diversified way. By distilling down the CARAPFREPA rencontres culturelles vacances pour tous descriptors but trying to stay as true to their ideal we built two grids that visually take in elements of the periodic table whist rencontres humanistes et fraternelles growing in concepts akin to Blooms Taxonomy of Cognitive Levels. . Il sagit dun scnario plurilingue destin des enfants de la fin de lenseignement primaire
The FREPA frame is useful as it is transferable to both the learning of different languages as well as to the preservice foreign language teacher training. Les questionnaires de satisfaction administrs la fin du parcours de formation propos la confrence plnire Les approches plurielles et le CARAP pour une vision densemble de lducation et de la formation plurilingues et interculturelles prsente par Michel Candelier et les ateliers quil a anims en tant que reprsentant du CELV en font pleinement la preuve. Le nouvel atelier a t prpar par llaboration par les animateurs dune slection de descripteurs de ressources du CARAP concernant plus spcifiquement la didactique intgre. This we intend to put to use coming school year followed by an evaluation in order rencontre gratuite eu membre ligne to develop further material in a forthcoming meeting. Gallen Switzerlandbr Working language Frenchbr Participants representatives of the Pedagogical University St. Elle a permis dexaminer et de discuter la manire dont les auteurs de ce document se sont appuys sur le CARAP pour la rencontres amicales sarreguemines rdaction de certains descripteurs. br To help teacher trainers to design training modules based on pluralistic approaches
To do this we used the CARAPFREPA framework Framework of reference for Pluralistic Approaches as the base for our curriculum process work simultaneously with the new Finnish core curriculum. br Plurilingual and intercultural competences descriptors and teaching materials FREPA br Training in the framework of the Conference Partager pour senrichir br Venue Iasi Romania br Project site br Programme br view details br Experts Ildik Lrincz Hungary JeanFranois de Pietro Switzerland br Local Organiser Dan Ion Nasta Romania br Participants teachers of French in Romania br Working languages French English br ECML Training and Consultancy for Member States Plurilingual and intercultural competences descriptors and teaching materials FREPA br Venue Amsterdam The Netherlandsbr view details br Experts Michel Candelier France Anna SchrderSura Germanybr Local organisers Rick de Graaff professor of Language Pedagogy Inholland University of Applied Sciencebr Working language Englishbr Participants language teacher trainers in primary or secondary education language coordinators in primary or secondary education applied researchers on plurilingual approaches to teaching and learningbr Website http br br Information from the ECML experts available in French Cette formation nentrait pas dans le cadre habituel des vnements Formation et Conseil pris en charge par le CELV. It has more than articles and registered users as of March update. Lvnement a donc permis denrichir la palette dactivits et de stratgies de formation dont dispose lquipe CARAP. br Information from the ECML experts available in French Latelier consacr la production de matriaux didactiques de didactique intgre qui sest droul au Lyce Albert Schweizer de Hrth du au juin constitue un complment latelier de qui tait consacr la prsentation des approches plurielles et du CARAP et llaboration de matriaux destins laccompagnement pdagogique des changes scolaires. br Target groups and stakeholders br Policy makersbr Teacher trainersbr Curriculum developersbr School principalsbr Textbook developersbr School and university teachers of Armenian Russian English French Germanbr Student teachers from the YSLU Chair of Pedagogy and Methodologybr Total number of participants for the three days people
Lobjectif tait dinciter certains enseignants mettre en place des expriences pilotes qui pourront tre prsentes lors de lvnement de. Le titre du colloque Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures rfrait directement la thmatique du projet CARAP mettant ainsi en vidence la diffusion dj entame des Approches plurielles parmi les chercheurs en didactique de Slovaquie. Links were established between these materials the curricula and FREPA tools. Since the German school system introduces English as a foreign language in primary school the pupils choosing the bilingual branch start with Spanish in grade and continue respectively English. The working process was marked by a constructive openminded atmosphere which made it possible for site de rencontre nancy gratuit Site de rencontre meilleur 2013 all participants to exchange their ideas for suitable tasks which help the students to develop resources in order to master intercultural encounters successfully. br br Information from the local organiser The FREPA seminar was a great opportunity where experts interested in site de rencontre pour ado sur iphone pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures from the region and from the country met. Jana Birova qui a expriment les approches plurielles dans des classes de Slovaquie a fait profiter les participants de lexprience quelle a acquise en commentant quelques vidos de classe. Most of the projects development comes from the overseas Tamil diaspora. Michel Candelier a assur une coanimation en tant quexpert dsign par le CELV et sur la base de son exprience de mise en place de rseaux consacrs lveil aux langues. Group work and plenary discussions gave participants the opportunity to discuss current issues in relation to an inclusive view of language teaching and learning in a multilingual context including the language of schooling the pupils home languages and foreign languages. Gallen University and Pedagogical University HEP Lausanne La Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI KFMCSPbr Website http br br Information from the ECML experts available in French Une rencontre de travail entre deux danger des rencontres sur facebook membres de lquipe du CARAP et des reprsentants de diverses institutions denseignement suprieur suisses charges de la formation des enseignants et ayant particip llaboration dun Profil de comptences langagires spcifiques des personnes enseignantes en langues trangres a eu lieu Berne le mars
Ils comprenaient aussi quelques lments relevant plus spcifiquement des aspects linguistiques qui ont convaincu les enseignants de lintrt de recourir des activits de didactique intgre dans lenseignement luimme en particulier entre langlais et lespagnol enseign exceptionnellement en me classe dans ltablissement. not every language itself but together makes an added value is rencontres amicales paca more than Conclusion One can claim that there exist plurilingual approaches learning resources Porta Linguarum textbooks My Sails Wegweiser ELP which incorporate the action plan for the language policy in Slovenia the syllabi which support the incorporation of the above mentioned contents the framework which will be incorporated into the inservice teacher training in the course of the FL and FL implementation to the primary school as well as the upper secondary into the preservice teacher training of future Slovenian French English German and Italian foreign language teachers. br rencontres estrie ECML Training and Consultancy for Member States Plurilingual and intercultural competences descriptors and teaching materials FREPA br Venue GoetheInstitut Munich Germanybr view details br Experts Anna SchrderSura Germanybr Local organisers Karin Ende GoetheInstitut Munich Germanybr Working language Germanbr Participants Members of the language department of the GoetheInstitut responsible for development of teacher training programs and quality assurancebr Websites http br br Information from the ECML experts available in French Cette journe consacre la formation et au conseil avait pour objet principal la rvision et le perfectionnement de modules de formation continue sur le thme de la civilisation Landeskunde et de lapprentissage interculturel destins aux futurs enseignants de lInstitut Goethe. Workshops will be conducted both by the experts and teacher trainers. In September The Tamil Wikipedia celebrated its th anniversary. br ECML Training and Consultancy for Member States Plurilingual and intercultural competences descriptors and teaching materials FREPA br Venue Smolenice Castle Slovak Republicbr view details br Experts Ildiko Lrincz Hongrie Michel Candelier Francebr Local organisers Jana Breov Trnava University Slovak Republicbr Working language French and Englishbr Rencontres jasnières 2014 Participants language teachers and teacher trainers multipliersbr Website http br br Information from the ECML experts available in French br Le sjour de trois jours en Slovaquie a permis dune part de participer un colloque dans limpressionnant chteau de Smolenice et site de rencontre amicale geneve novembre et dautre part dencadrer une journe de formation
Chestionarele de evaluare administrate la finalul parcursului de formare propus conferina plenar Les approches plurielles et le CARAP pour une vision densemble de lducation et de la formation plurilingues et interculturelles prezentat de Dl. br LUniversit daccueil dsire poursuivre le travail avec les enseignants dont une grande partie a souhait pouvoir tre soutenue pour lintroduction des approches plurielles et des instruments du CARAP dans sa pratique. The focus on creating a product as opposed to a mere theoretical approach was the key to in our minds successful implementation of FREPA into school practice. br br Information from the local organiser br Developing the Language AwarenessEveil aux langues Approach in the Nordic and Baltic countriesbr In November a day project workshop for teachers and researchers was held in Reykjavik. Le septembre deux interventions ont t assures dans le cadre dune Confrence nationale organise loccasion de la Journe europenne des langues une intervention gnrale en plnire devant environ personnes et un panel plus restreint environ participants consacr essentiellement aux activits concernant les approches plurielles en Pologne dans les domaines de la production de matriel didactique et de la formation denseignants